雅思同义词替换同义词替换 1.放弃 Abandon abandon property废弃财产 abandon anchor弃锚 abandon vessel 弃船 Don not abandon yourself to despair.不要自暴自弃 give up just give it up放弃吧 give yourself up屈服 yet only 4 percent to 7 percent actually give up smoking ,without help, permanently abdicate(退位,正式放弃) The king abdicated his throne, and the country became a republic. forsake (遗弃) silent forsake不言离弃 Dear Master,forsake me not, you promised, ever! 亲爱的师傅,您曾保证,永不离弃我 forgo 2.减轻 Abate abate pain/tax demand has considerably abated. ease ease sb of his trouble ease the burden/pain/pressure 舒适,悠闲(a life of ease, ease of mind) lighten lighten the ship减轻船重 This will lighten your spirit and give you strength and motivation. relieve 使减轻痛苦忧愁 relieve stress In 1993,he needed back surgery to relieve pain caused from decades of walking. 3.富于,充满 Abound(丰富) with The myths and traditions of India abound with references. be full of be full of ambition野心勃勃、fire充满激情 an enterprise should be full of fairness and harmony be rich in be rich in oil/content/nutrition/vitamins be filled with be filled with tears/admiration/anticipation期待/confidence 4.中等规模的 Average-sized medium-sized both –motor电动机、corporation、aircraft、seed C8 P25 26 判断题 答案为true 题目:A pilot entering Class C airspace is flying over an average-sized city. 原文:These other types of airspace,Classes D,C and B,govern the vicinity of airports. These correspond roughly to small municipal,medium-sized metropolitan and Major metropolitan airports respectively 5.二选一 Alternative alternative conception另有概念、assessment另类评价、resource have(there is)no alternative but…… 6.不明确的、怀疑的、不确定的 Ambiguous ambiguous strategy/attitude doubtful doubtful operation dubious a dubious theory of classical anthropology uncertain uncertain factors vague(含糊的、模糊的) a vague answer one must not be vague on matters of principle 在原则问题上不能含糊 obscure晦涩难懂、模糊地 obscure mathematics模糊数学 7.一年一次 annual annual fee/expenditure/budget/consumption every year each year 8.人工的,人造的 artificial artificial intelligence/waves/fiber/dye人造染料 manufactured manufactured truth/landscapes/certificate厂商证明书 man-made man-made satellite the first man-made satellite which was launched synthetic合成的、人造的 天然的 synthetic drug/detergent洗涤剂 C7 P76 31 判断题 答案为true 题目:Natural forests still exist in parts of Europe. 原文:All European forest are artificial......
C8 P96 20 判断题 答案为no 题目:Biological control entails(意味着) using synthetic chemicals to try and change the genetic make-up of the pests’ offspring. 原文:a more effective and ecologically sound strategy of biological control,involving the selective use natural enemies of the pest population. 9.在…下方 Beneath beneath the lunar surface below below freezing point/cost under under attack/age未成年 under certain circumstance under consideration 10.停止,终止 Stop stop at nothing不惜一切代价 It seems Assad will stop at nothing to maintain power. end in the end put an end to the world’s end世界尽头 cease(cease fire) suspend suspend talks/payment halt 题目:Biologists have the authority E to stop people fishing for sport 原文:biologists in a particular area can put a halt to fishing.Even sport fishing can be brought to a halt.
11. 解决 Solve everything solved deal with deal with complaints/inflation cope with(1、竞争2、对付、处理) cope with complex situation/stress handle(操作、处理) 把手 resolve address(1、地址2、处理解决address important issues) tackle(a task) that depends on how you tackle the problem C8 P96 21 判断题 答案为yes 题目:Bio-control is free from danger under certain circumstances. 原文:When handled by experts, bio-control is safe,non-polluting and self-dispersing. 12.损害 Damage fatigue damage疲劳损伤 repair/suffer damage hurt love hurt feel hurt injure injure one’s feelings/reputation birth injure产伤 harm harmful bacteria impair(impair one’s health) 与repair区分 undermine undermine authority
C8 P51 33 单选题 题目:According to the introduction,we become aware of the importance of smell when C our ability to smell is damaged 原文:It is only when the faculty of smell is impaired for some reason that we begin to realise the essential role the sense of smell plays in our sense of well-being. 13.给与 Give offer render(render sb a service) impart impart knowledge to pupils provide provide feedback provide educational opportunities via Internet supply in short supply供应不足 The drought has depleted their supply of water. Two leading drug companies have agreed to supply vaccines against disease to the world’s poorest countries. afford music affords her pleasure 14.培养 Develop develop musical talent cultivate (cultivate a love of art) “耕种” foster (2)养育 foster children foster father/mother/son/daughter/child养父 nurture(1、营养物 2、培育) nurture one’s offspring/gifts and talents/promising musicians 15.优势 Advantage benefit (benefit correctly from) strength merit(merit and demerit) 16. 缺陷 Disadvantage drawback weakness defect(defective有缺点的) flaw缺点、瑕疵(a flaw in a diamond) shortcoming 17.重要的、关键的 Important key crucial crucial point He had administrators under him but made the crucial decisions himself. significant In addition significant change in the US, Australia and Canada is taking place. vital It is vital to your mind, soul, body and your life. substantial(1、大量的increase substantially2、重大价值的 a substantial argument/transaction) indispensable If you say that someone or something is indispensable, you mean that they are absolutely essential and other people or things cannot function without them. essential essential parameter There are striking differences in life span between different species, but within one species the parameter is relatively constant.
C8 P88 5 list of headings 题目:Section F viii The key to Japanese successes in maths education 原文:Section F So what are the major contributing factors in the success of maths teaching? 18. 认为 Think believe deem(deem one’s duty to do sth) I deem it advisable to buy property now. hold argue be convinced reckon(推断、认为) C8 P69 12 判断题 答案为yes 题目:Obtaining money to improve the lasers will depend on tests in real storms. 原文:He reckons that the forthcoming field tests will be the turning point-and he is hoping for good news.Bernstein predicts‘an avalanche of interest and support’ if all goes well.
19.保护 Protect conserve conserve natural habitats/resources/soil and water he dedicated himself to conserving our natural resources. preserve (order)维持秩序 preserve…from… preserve us from all our enemies.
C8 P77 40 判断题 答案为yes 题目:Conserving energy may help to extend a human’s life. 原文:It follows from the above that sparing use of energy reserves should tend to extend life. 19.确保 Assure (The news assured me) I assure you I’ll be there. ensure ensure security ensure funding for priority areas guarantee unity is the guarantee of victory. 20.边界 frontier they lined the north-western frontier with soldiers. boundary boundary blend边界混合、friction边界摩擦、layer边界层 C7 P76 32 判断题 答案为false 题目:Forest policy should be limited by national boundaries. 原文:This means that a forest policy is vital,that it must transcend national frontiers. border border dispute边境争端 border the Mediterranean与地中海接壤 21. 有害的 Bad bad debt坏账 bad apple坏蛋 you bad faith你不守信用 harmful harmful crack/radiation/bacteria/interference 有害干扰 purify water of harmful chemicals detrimental detrimental to…/effect 22. 消除 Eliminate eliminate illiteracy扫除文盲、political opponents/poverty clear clear up remove remove parameters/furniture搬家、current layer移去当前层 take away take away food外卖 This was a complicated situation and I think there are several lessons that you can take away from this friendship. smooth away smooth away difficulty排除困难 eradicate 根除、消灭 eradicate crimes、weeds、移除、消减malaria疟疾、corruption
C7 P46 14 段落信息包含题 题目:a cost involved in purifying(净化pure表示纯粹)domestic(国内 的)water 原文: E段 £23m for the removal of the bug cryptosporidium from drinking water by water companies.
C8 P68 7 summary 题目:In this method,a laser is used to create a line of ionization by removing electrons from B atoms 原文:...lasers were revealing their ability to extract electrons out of atoms and create Ions...a line of ionisation... 23. 导致 Lead to the suppression of tribal and religious identity can lead to violence bring about bring about long-lasting changes/the disorder result in (as the result of) cause induce(1、induce sb to do sth引诱 2、导致) generate光热电等 contribute to 24. 因此 So, therefore, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result, because of this, as a result of this 25. 宣称。 Allege (it is alleged that 据说) many critics allege that assert (assert 断言sth to be true) she asserted that she was innocent. declare declare independence宣告独立、bankruptcy、
claim insurance claim保险索赔 every citizen may claim the protection of the law. affirm断言、证实 announce(announcement) 26 有益的 Useful helpful beneficial beneficial to /insect profitable profitable operation/agriculture/firm rewarding compassion for others creates rewarding relationships. Advantageous
C8 P74 28 list of headings 题目:Paragraph C ii Why dying is beneficial 原文:The reason for this is easy to recognise...... 温馨提示:在list of headings题型中题目中以why开头的选项。文章中多半会有the reason for 与之对应 27. 明显的 Clear obvious obvious intention/warning/cause of death evident(evidence) an evident mistake self-evident(不言而喻的) manifest(a manifest error of judgment) apparent (apparently) definite C7 P99 34 summary 题目:The results suggests that B unexpected noise produces fatigue but that this manifests itself later. 原文:Apparently,unpredictable noise produces more fatigue than predictable noise...
28. 展示,描述 Show reveal illustrate demonstrate depict(描写,描述) present represent describe (change、situation、trend) 29. 限制,抑制 Limit That measure is aimed at tackling the structures that limit access to jobs. restrict such information is restricted within military personnel. confine(confined to) Talent does not confine to geographical area and religion. narrow狭窄的 tighten(变得紧张 tighten up) constrict 抑制、约束 She objects to the constant testing because it constrict he teaching style. Constrain C7 P43 11 单选题 题目:In a Japanese pagoda,the shinbashira D stops the floors moving too far 原文:The shinbashira ,running up through a hole in the centre of the building, constrained individual storeys from moving too far.
30.集中,聚焦于 focus on concentrate on aim (aim at) spotlight(n.聚光灯vt.使突出醒目) lay/place/put emphasis on highlight(n.*精彩场面,*重要部分 vt.着重,使突出) we must highlight that the system can hardly be inaccurate.
C8 P92 13 单选题 题目:why do Japanese students tend to achieve relatively high rates of success in maths? 答案为 C Much effort is made and correct answers are emphasised. 原文:and the emphasis is on hard work coupled with a focus on accuracy.
31、现代的 contemporary literature/civilization/linguistics/leadership modern modern toilet便所餐厅、enterprise current current affairs present present status现状、 recent recent geological period up-to-date latest 32.悲观的,忧郁的 pessimistic (optimistic、realistic) C5 P26 27 判断题 题目:Environmentalists take a pessimistic view of the world for a number of reasons. 原文:For many environmentalists, the world seems to be getting worse. They have developed a hit-list of our main fears: that natural resources are running out; that the population is ever growing, leaving less and less to eat; that species are becoming extinct in vast number, and that the planet’s air and water are becoming ever more polluted. gloomy depressed depressing hopeless sad blue(he looks blue) dismal(a dismal song令人忧郁的歌) miserable (悲惨的、可怜的 a miserable life) unhappy sorrowful 33. 加速,前进 accelerate The pace of life is accelerating accelerated erosion C5 P26 32判断 答案 no 题目 It would be best to attempt to slow down economic growth. 原文therefore best cured not by restricting economic growth, but by accelerating it. speed up speed up decision-making advance hasten hasten shipment/the process quicken quicken metabolism hurry(up) 34.规格、标准 specification说明书 standard c7 P22 20 list of headings 题目:Paragraph H The need to raise standards 原文:But such projects must be built to higher specifications and with more accountability to local people and their environment than in the past. standard atmosphere标准大气、coal标准煤矿、code标准代码 35. 足够的, 充分的, 大量的 sufficient sufficient stock、fund adequate enough abundant(abundant in minerals) plenty of she has plenty of imagination. considerable(a considerable number) ample这个词一般都放在名词之前,ample time充裕的时间 ample evidence 充分证据 C7 P95 21 完成句子配对题 题目:In Alaska,biologists keep a check on adult fish G to ensure that fish numbers are sufficient to permit fishing 原文:There are biologists throughout the state constantly monitoring adult fish as they show up to spawn.
C8 P45 16 list of headings 题目:Paragraph E ix Enough food at last 原文:Paragraph E The increased productivity from farmland made some countries self-sufficient in grain and livestock and offered effective protection against famine. 36. 隔绝,孤立,分离 Isolation(an isolation hospital/ward 隔离病院、病房) separation separation device/filter/layer detachment分开、分离 分遣队a detachment of marines disconnect insulate隔离、绝缘体 insulated cable/wire/concrete/brick segregate分离、隔离 segregate frost隔离霜 Divide C7 P51 31 判断题 答案为no 题目:MIRTP was divided into five phases. 原文:原文只说phase III.
C7 P51 2 判断题 答案为yes 题目:Prior to the start of MIRTP the Makete District was almost inaccessible during the rainy season. 原文:When the project began,Makete District was virtually totally isolated during the rainy season.
C7 P52 39 配对题(2) 题目:The isolation of Makete for part of year 答案 E was no longer a problem once the roads had been improved 原文:The road improvements and accompanying maintenance system had helped Make the district centre accessible throughout the year.
C8 P99 35 ABC型配对题 题目:Separate containers are used for individual specimens. 答案为 A hand collecting 原文:Individual insects are placed in plastic or glass tubes(1.5-3.0 ml capacity For small ants,5-8 ml for larger ants) containing 75% to 95% ethanol. 37. 脆弱的,容易受到伤害的 fragile fragile cargo vulnerable delicate(1.易碎的2.精美的)frail(frail evidence无力的证据) weak tender(tender eggs易打碎的鸡蛋) 38. 常见的,寻常的 usual, normal, common, general, ordinary, regular, routine(例行公事,常规) 39. 潮湿的 damp a damp cloth (dump) wet moist(the moist season/climate/soil湿地) humid (humid air/region)
C8 P99 32 ABC型配对题 题目:It is particularly effective for wet habitats. 答案为C sampling ground litter 原文:One of the most successful ways to collect them is to gather the leaf litter...This method works especially well in rain forests and marshy areas.
40. 撤退,撤离 Withdraw troops from把军队从…撤 withdraw cash evacuate staff 41. 灭绝,消失 extinct extinct language/volcano死火山 vanished our hopes have vanished. C5 P73 29 段落信息包含题 题目:the reason why AI has become a common topic of conversation again 原文:A段 AI was big in the 1980s but vanished in the 1990s.It re-entered public consciousness with the release of AI,a movie about a robot boy.This has ignited public debate about AI. gone lost(loss) die out
C7P20 2 段落信息包含题 题目:how early mammals avoided dying out 原文:A段 In the time when dinosaurs dominated the daytime economy,our mammalian ancestors probably only managed to survive at all because they found ways of scraping a living at night.
C7 P46 18 判断题 Yes 题目:Several species of wildlife in the British countryside are declining. 原文:In Britain,for example,many of our best-loved farmland birds,such as the skylark.......,have vanished from huge stretches of countryside.
kill off disappear absence (temporary absence/absence of gravity) evaporate消失、蒸发 water evaporates into steam. 42.持久的,耐用的 durable (Marathon) long-lasting enduring(endure忍受;持久) enduring freedom/toxin/love 43.居住 settle定居、移民 settle in the conquered land inhabit dwell live reside reside in New York (resident) (president) occupy accommodate
居住的人 settle→settler inhabit→inhabitant dwell→dweller reside→resident occupy→occupant
C7 P94 14 判断题 false 题目:The inhabitants of he Aleutian islands renamed their islands‘Aleyska’ 原文:The islands’ native inhabitants called this land mass Aleyska,the ‘Great Land’;today,we know it as Alaska.
44.基础的、基本的 underdeveloped rudimentary undeveloped fundamental fundamental frequency/component/law/assumption elementary(elementary school小学) initial*初的 basic underlying C7 P21 12 题目:Radar and sonar are based on similar mathematical theories. 原文:But the underlying mathematical theories of radar and sonar are very similar.
C8 P74 27 list of headings 题目:Paragraph B ix Fundamental differences in ageing of objects and organisms 45. 客观的, 公正的 objective(subjective) unbiased impartial (be impartial to对…公正无私) unprejudiced(pride and prejudice) fair even-handed disinterested(disinterested advice) just(a just man正直的人) neutral (neural) balanced equal 46. 超过、胜过 Exceed exceed hot超辣、standard超标、 surpass outweigh (the benefits far outweigh the inconveniences) in excess of more than excel transcend to free your mind you have to transcend the judge and the victim.
C7 P76 32 判断题 答案为false 题目:Forest policy should be limited by national boundaries. 原文:This means that a forest policy is vital,that it must transcend national frontiers.
C7 P94 18 判断题 答案为true 题目:More than 320,000 tonnes of salmon were caught in Alaska in 2000. 原文:During 2000,commercial catches of Pacific salmon in Alaska exceeded 320,000 tonnes,with an ex-vessel value of over $US260 million.
C7 P94 20 判断题 答案为false 题目:During the 1990s,the average number of salmon caught each year was 100 million. 原文:during the 1990s,annual harvests were well in excess of 100 million,and on several occasions over 200 million fish. 47. 永远的,永恒的; Eternal (eternal glory/triangle三角恋爱) everlasting forever endless permanent (permanent delegate/distortion) perpetual(perpetual calendar/bond) 48.僵硬的 Rigid刻板的、严厉的 rigid foam硬泡沫塑料、pavement刚性路面、steel stiff身体僵硬 clay硬粘土 49.有毒的 Poisonous (chemicals) toxic(a toxic plant) C7 P46 21 判断题 答案yes 题目:One of the costs calculated by Professor Pretty was illness caused by food. 原文:£169m from food poisoning. 50.流行的,普遍的 Prevalent common usual prevailing(a prevailing style) widespread general popular 51.取消、废除 abolish (abolish slavery/treaty) cancel(cancel a contract) repeal(撤销法律、法令) 52.吸收 absorb C7 P42 4判断 T 题目:The builders of pagodas know how to absorb some of the power produced by severe weather conditions. 原文: Clearly,Japanese carpenters of the day knew a few tricks about allowing a building to sway and settle itself rather than fight nature’s forces. suck(吸食液体) digest 53.荒谬 absurd ridiculous 54.接受、接纳 Accept receive admit 55.积聚、聚集、积累 Accumulate(accumulate money for) accumulation堆积物 amass(amass a great fortune) collect gather pile (pile stones) (比较整齐的把东西堆积在一起) Build up C5 P70 24 summary 题目:there has been a marked increase in the level of F pollutants contained in the silt deposited(淤泥沉积)in the Nile delta. 原文:Pollutants are faster and faster..... 56.指控、谴责 Accuse (accuse sb of a crime) charge (be charged with murder) 57. 疼、疼痛 Ache(headache) pain sore溃烂疼 sore loser输不起的人 sore ache pain疼痛 58.承认 Acknowledge admit (he frankly admitted his error) C7 P29 37 summary 题目:However,Lozanov admits that a certain amount of F ritual is necessary in order to convince students,even if this is just a H placebo 原文:Lozanov acknowledges that the ritual surrounding suggestion in his own system is also a placebo.... confess(坦白、承认confess one’s guilt认罪confess to god) concede(不情愿的承认) recognize(1、承认recognize a country’s independence)2、辨认 recognize a word) 59.行为、行动 Act action deed(good/evil deeds好/坏事) operation(经营、买卖/操作/作战/手术) Operation 手术、运营,操作 C5 P47 27 配对题 题目:Peter Derks belive that humour .... D may provide valuable information about the operation of the brain. 原文:if we can figure out how the mind processes humour, then we’ll have a pretty good handle on how it works in general.
60.积极地、活跃的 Active energetic vigorous精力充沛的 brisk(brisk pace, brick) lively活泼的、活跃的 vivid 61.使适合、适应 Adapt adjust调整、改变以适应… conform(to) suit fit 62.附加物、增加物 Addition (addition compound) attachment supplement accessory(charging accessory充电配件) 63.另外的、额外的 Additional extra supplementary(lens/income/requirement)
C8 P92 12 单选题 题目:How do schools deal with students who experience difficulties? 答案:A They are given appropriate supplementary tuition. 原文:...help to enable slow learners to keep up...sending them to ‘Juku’(private evening tuition) if extra help is needed... 64.尊重、钦佩 Admire honour respect regard(1、regard as把…看做2、regard sb highly) esteem(self-esteem) 65.意见、建议 Advice opinion proposal(marriage/revenue/thesis proposal) suggestion recommendation 66.飞机 Aeroplane 英 airplane 美 aircraft航空器 plane jet喷气式 helicopter直升机 67.害怕的、可怕的 Afraid fearful awful dreadful frightful terrible horrible terrific appalling(appalling crimes骇人听闻的罪行) 68.进攻、侵略 Aggression the threat of massive military aggression invasion invasion of privacy assault 攻击、袭击 attack offensive进攻的、冒犯的 offensive weapon offensive is the best defense. the enemy launched a fresh offensive.
C8 P52 40 填空题 题目:Odours regarded as unpleasant in certain cultures are not regarded as unpleasant in others. 原文:Odours are invested with cultural values:smell that are considered to be offensive in some cultures may be perfectly acceptable in others.
69.苦恼、痛苦 Agony the agony of drug test misery one usually associates poverty with misery. distress sorrow 70.同意、赞同 Agree consent(to)by common consent经一致同意 approve comply (with) 顺从 If you do not comply with these rules, the transaction strategy will not work. 71.符合、一致 Agree accord(with) coincide(1、巧合2、相符) conform (to) correspond(correspond to objective reality符合客观事实) 72.协定、协议、契约、合同 Agreement come to/arrive at/reach an agreement contract treaty convention(公约、惯例 conventional惯例的、常规的) bargain(1、买卖合同2、讨价还价bargain with sb about the price) 73.惊吓、惊恐 Alarm alarm code/detector/switch frighten scare(scare tactic/scared to death) intimidate恐吓、威胁 intimidate or bully people 74.相似的、类似的、相同的 Alike like similar comparable uniform (完全相同的) identical(完全一样的) resemble(像,类似) same C7 P91 11 summary 题目:the discovery on one pyramid of an object which resembled a modern glider. 原文:A wooden artefact found on the step pyramid at Saqqara looks uncannily like a modern glider.
C8 P21 9 图表题 题目:resembling 9、 答案为(ship’s)anchor 原文:a variation on the original escapement was invented in 1670,in England......which was a lever-based device shaped like a ship’s anchor. 75.娱乐、消遣 Hobby pastime (pastime paradise) recreation (recreation facility/period/supervisor/vehicle) amusement (amusement arcade) entertain (street/adult entertainer ) 76.古代的、古老的 Ancient ancient Greek/Rome/relics/civilization/coins创造) old antique古玩、古代的 pottery陶瓷 77.愤怒 Anger(angry bird) indignation indignation to the terrorism/arouse the people to indignation fury be filled with fury满腔怒火 fury of the dragon猛龙过江 rage狂怒 激情(a rage for collecting stamps) 78.急切的、渴望的 Anxious anxious about the future/exam results eager(eager to do) keen 79.仪器、设备、器械、器具 Apparatus(cooling/heating/medical/remote control apparatus) instrument仪器、乐器 device(电子装置) equipment tool implement(household implement日用器具) appliance(家电、器械domestic appliance manufacturers) facility(port facilities) infrastructure基础设施 engine jet engine 80.交换 exchange swap(swap data) C7 P68 summary 题目:Genetic analysis shows they constantly upgrade these fungi by developing new species and by D exchanging species with neighbouring ant colonies. 原文:DNA analysis of the fungi suggests that the ants improve or modify the fungi by regularly swapping and sharing strains with neighbouring ant colonies. 81.抓住、捉 Arrest 逮捕 arrest warrant逮捕证 capture捕获 capture trigger捕获触发器 capture the opposing flag catch catch a cold seize seize a fish/an iron bar 82.要求、请求 Ask ask for comment/ask for permission or approval beg During the Depression, many people had to beg for a living. demand demand for compensation require entrance requirement/require capacity request request scope请求范围 claim claim for tax pray pray for your pardon/pray for the victims of Japan 83.错误、缺点 error accumulated error/error detector/error criterion mistake overlook mistake/make a mistake fault my worst fault is impatience.
C7 P99 33 summary 题目:The group which had been exposed to unpredictable noise 答案I made more mistakes than the group which had been exposed to predictable noise. 原文:As shown in Table 1 the unpredictable noise produced more errors in the later Proofreading task than predicable noise. 84.分配、分发 Assign(assign two rooms to sb分配给两个人) distribute 分发distribute magazines to children/free anti-virus products 分布 divide(1、分割divide into /divide and conquer分而治之2、分配) allocate allocate funds for new projects/allocate the memory分配内存 85.同事、伙伴 Associate(n.合伙人、同事) companion同伴、同志 battle/learning companion colleague consult the colleague fellow同辈、伙伴 fellow citizen同胞 partner marriage partner 86.吸引、引诱 Attract(attract investment from private company) tempt (tempt the appetite引起食欲) temptation诱惑乐队 87.笨拙的 Awkward clumsy(clumsy finger) 88. 使着迷、迷住 charm 魅力 prince charming白马王子 enchant enchanting scenery fascinate The plot of the novel is fascinating. 89.阻止、阻塞 Block 石块,阻塞,街区 bar(we bar smoking here) hinder hinder your life obstruct(obstruct the traffic阻塞交通) prevent(from) hamper妨碍 hamper the distribution of foreign books C7 P52 37 配对题(2) 题目:Frequent breakdown of buses and trucks in Makete I hindered attempts to make the existing transport services more efficient. 原文:The efforts to improve the efficiency of the existing transport services were not very successful because most of the motorised vehicles in the district broke down and there were no resources to repair them.
C7 P91 9 summary 题目:which could lift large pieces of stone 原文:which could have been made strong enough to bear the weight of massive blocks of stone 90.船 Boat wooden boat/ the dragon boat race ship container ship canoe独木舟 steamer汽船 vessel船只,容器 Japanese coast guard vessel craft航天器、小船 aircraft 91.勇敢地,胆大的 Bold 强壮的、勇敢地 Thrive in the face of adversity, fortune favors the bold. brave brave as a lion brave heart courageous (courage) courageous captain daring (dare to do) Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. reckless鲁莽的、胆大妄为的 contrary to myth, entrepreneurs are not reckless gamblers. fearless guns are essential, because polar bears are fearless. 92.使人不安或烦恼 Bother is something bothering you? upset don’t upset yourself disturb 打扰 I dream about him, dreams so vivid that they disturb me for days… trouble(don not trouble yourself) annoy(annoying扰乱) A dreadful choice: whether to annoy America or china irritate(irritation激怒、恼怒) their attitude irritates me 93.虫 Bug臭虫、病菌 superbug超级病菌 insect 昆虫 insecticide杀虫剂 pest 害虫 pesticide杀虫剂 worm蠕虫 C7 P46 17 段落信息匹配题 题目:B段 One effect of chemicals on water sources. 原文:B段 Natural soil fertility is dropping in many areas because of continuous industrial fertiliser and pesticide use,while the growth of algae is Increasing in lake because of the fertiliser run-off. 94.小心的、谨慎的 Careful(be careful) cautious cautious about drinking alcohol prudent prudent and gradual transition 95.变化、改变 Change alter(alter the traditional policy) vary(1、vary the speed 2、使多样化) convert (convert economic muscle into military strength) shift(a shift in government policy) modify(修改modify the terms of a contract) transform (transformer) switch(n开关,switch operating systems) C8 P28 29 完成句子配对题 题目:Attitudes to parapsychology would alter drastically with 答案为A the discovery of a mechanism for telepathy 原文:Answering such questions would transform parapsychology......but in probing possible mechanisms.
C8 P44 12 判断题 答案为true 题目:The process invented by Pilkington has now been improved. 原文:The principle of float glass is unchanged since the 1980s.However,the product has changed dramatically ,from a single thickness.....to.....to.....,from.....to almost optical perfection.
C8 P89 6 判断题 答案为yes 题目:There is a wider range of achievement amongst English pupils studying maths than amongst their Japanese counterparts. 原文:Japanese pupils at age 13 have better scores of average attainment,but there was also a larger proportion of ‘low’ attainers in England,where,incidentally, the variation in attainment scores was much greater.
C8 P99 27 判断题 答案为true 题目:Taxonomic research involves comparing members of one group of ants. 原文:For taxonomy,or classification...to allow the determination of variation within species.
96.欺骗 Cheat deceive(what a shame to deceive the girl) trick诡计、骗局 fool fraud (charity/commercial fraud) C8 P29 35 table 题目:Positive results could be produced by factors such as sensory leakage or 35.fraud. 原文:......positive results.These ranged from‘sensory leakage’--where clues about the pictures accidentally reach the receiver--to outright fraud. 97.普通的、普遍的 Common ordinary commonplace general usual popular universal(宇宙的、普遍的) 98.竞争 Compete (competition) contend(contend for power争夺权力) contest争夺 a hot dog eating contest rival与…竞争 99.复杂的 Complex complex personality complicated we humans are so complicated sophisticated defeat a sophisticated foe intricate 错综复杂的 an intricate instrument/carving elaborate 1、复杂的2、详尽阐述、详尽的 an elaborate ceremony
C7 P21 10 summary 题目:Long before the invention of radar,natural selection had resulted in a sophisticated radar-like system in bats. 原文:natural selection working on bats,had perfected the system tens of millions of years earlier
C8 P92 11 单选题 题目:When a new maths topic is introduced, 答案为 C it is carefully and patiently explained to the students 原文:After the homework has been discussed,the teachers explains the topic of the lesson ,slowly and with a lot of repetition and elaboration. 100.组成、成分、部分 Component 零件 a key component of a nuclear weapon constituent constituent particle element elementary school/student=pupil ingredient配料、要素 mix in the remaining ingredients 101.隐藏、隐蔽 Conceal conceal identities hide(hidden cost)hide-and-seek 102.收缩、压缩 Condense浓缩、缩写 condense carbon dioxide compress压紧、压缩 compressed biscuit shrink(1、缩水a shrinking market 2、缩水) 103.状况、情况 Condition conditional admission state state of marriage status(地位) what is your current financial status? situation circumstance under certain circumstance 104.监禁 Confine(1、限制2、监禁) imprison imprison soul jail监禁、监狱 break jail越狱 105.混乱状态 Confusion disorder mess(凌乱状态The room is a mess ) chaos (this is the era of confusion and chaos) 106.征服、战胜 Conquer(conquer one’s rivals)(man can conquer nature) overcome(overcome difficulties、shortcomings) overthrow推翻 defeat beat(beat a drought) subdue(subdue nature/the enemy征服自然/敌人) 107.连续的、不断地 Continuous successive(the successive days连续三天) constant constantly renewed=renewable persistent(persistent rain连绵不断的雨) 108.复制品、复制 Copy 抄写 duplicate duplicate success reproduction再生产、复制 replicate (The process of replication is very quick and efficient. 模仿 emulate(emulate a pop star) imitate mimic computers can mimic creatures C7 P25 23 判断 NG 题目:Modern water systems imitate those of ancient Greeks and Romans. 文章:despite our progress, half of the world's population still suffers, with water services inferior to those available to the ancient Greeks and Romans.
109.谷物 Corn 玉米 grain cereals(breakfast cereal) 110.纠正、改正 Correct rectify(rectify errors) remedy治疗、纠正situation revise (revise a document) amend(amend a bill修改议案) C7 P22 17 list of headings 题目:Paragraph E i scientists’ call for a revision of policy 原文:At the outset of the new millennium ,however,the way resource planners think about water is beginning to change....some water experts are now demanding..... 111.爬 Creep匍匐 climb (a hill) crawl(crawl with爬满,充斥的) 112.收成 Crop harvest yield产量 crop yield=crop was harvest C8 P95 16 单选题 题目:Cotton farmers in Central America began to use pesticides 答案为 D to ensure more cotton was harvested from each crop. 原文:...cotton farmers in Central America...the farmers avidly took to pesticides as a sure measure to boost crop yield. 113.致命的 Deadly fatal(a fatal wound/illness) lethal(lethal gas) 114.推延、延期 Delay delay retirement age postpone postpone the expedition/crisis/appointment defer defer payment prolong延长 prolong the flight put off put off action
C8 P74 32 list of headings 题目:Paragraph G iv Prolonging your life 原文:G段 It follows from the above that sparing use of energy reserves should tend to extend life. 115.代表、代理人 Delegate议员 representative(a legal representative)(sales representative) agent( a shipping agent) substitute替代、替补 116.加强、增强 Enhance enhance the reputation/economic cooperation heighten heighten tension/sensitivity intensify intensify one’s sense of responsibility aggravate(恶化) aggravate symptom/recession 117.增加、增大、扩大 Enlarge enlarge the budget deficit amplify amplify a radio signal expand expand your outlook increase magnify(magnify images 2 times) multiply 乘、增殖 augment扩大、增加 augment the family income 118.保证 pledge誓言 pledge to cut spending promise promise me you will not waste your time 119.嫉妒 Envy jealousy you should be able to manage personal jealousy and feelings of envy 120.估价、估计 Estimate average/official estimate appraise appraise sb’s work/quality appraise assess(assessment)(access) evaluate evaluate your skills and talents value 121.外部的 Ex- out- 开头的单词往往有在什么外面的意思 External exterior(exterior walls外墙) outer(outer space) outside outward exclude
C7 P76 28 判断题 答案为false 题目:Problems in Nordic countries were excluded because they are outside the European Economic Community. 原文:Those confined to particular geographical areas,such as countries bordering the Mediterranean or the Nordic countries therefore had to be discarded.
C7 P51 34 判断题 答案为yes 题目:The survey concluded that one-fifth or 20% of the household transport requirement as outside the local area. 原文:Interesting facts regarding transport were found:95% was on foot;80% was within the locality.
122.内部的、内在的 Inner inside interior internal inward C7 P42 5 配对题 题目:easy interior access to top 答案为B only Chinese pagodas 原文:The Chinese built their pagodas in brick or stone ,with inner staircases....
123.**的、知名的 Famous noted(noted scientist) Well known=famous C6 P19 9 判断Johnson has become more well known since his death 原文 it is highly appropriate that Dr Samuel Johnson, the very model of an eighteenth-century literary man, as famous in his own time as in ours. C7 P29 summary Although Lozanov’s method has become quite K well known ,the results of most other teachers using this method have been G unspectacular. 原文while suggestopedia has gained some notoriety through success in the teaching of modern languages, few teachers are able to emulate the spectacular results of Lozanov and his associates.
prominent prominent storyteller**作家 outstanding notorious臭名昭著的 an area notorious for drugs, crime and violence eminent the eminent lawyer/banker well-known distinguished a distinguished career 124.愚蠢的、笨的、傻得 Foolish hoping for the best is foolish凡事都往好处想是很傻的 silly you look silly stupid simple dull愚钝的 125.疏忽、忽略、忘记 Forget omit省略、疏忽 omit the salt neglect(neglect one’s duties玩忽职守) overlook disregard(disregard sb’s warnings漠视、不顾) ignore 126.气味 Fragrance香气 odor=odour smell perfume人造香气、香水 scent olfactory C7 P67 5 判断 答案为false 题目:In one experiment,foraging teams were able to use their sense of smell to find Food. 原文:Elaborate precautions were taken to prevent the foraging team using odour clues. 127.汽油 Gasoline 北美 petrol 英国 128.温和的、柔和的 Gentle(gentleman) mild (mild winter) soft soft music/cheese tender(a tender beefsteak) moderate中等的、适度的、温和的 moderately large insects中等大小的昆虫 129.致病的微生物 Germ germ transmission bacteria virus计算机病毒 computer/flu virus bug 130.商品、货物 Goods consumers have enjoyed cheap Chinese goods merchandise(merchant商人)(招商银行China merchant bank) freight英国专指船上货物 commodity(scarce commodity) 131.草 Grass 青草、牧草 herb 药用 weed 杂草weed-killer除草剂 132.坟墓、墓穴 Grave tomb 133.几乎不 Hardly scarcely barely rarely 134.天堂 Paradise (HK is a shopper’s paradise) heaven(go to heaven去天国) 135.租、租用 Rent rent charge租金 lease lease agreement租赁合同 hire 雇佣 refuse to hire left-handers charter租用大型运输工具 136.洞、穴 Hole asshole cave cave painting=drawing hollow(1、空的2、洞、坑) pit 地上的洞、煤矿 the mining pit 137.巨大的、庞大的 Huge huge campus/the potential market is huge/huge army enormous the scope for reform is enormous immense an immense ocean/obstacles giant a Nordic giant/green giant gigantic gigantic pit/joke vast china has a vast domestic market massive massive government investment in infrastructure/fraud tremendous tremendous effort/tension/pressure/impact 138.反对 object strongly object oppose many people oppose bilingual education. resist 抵抗resist aggression/chemical-resistant protest抗议、反对 protest soaring prices reject reject a common belief 139.饥饿 Hunger hunger is the best sauce famine饥荒 suffer famine/a threat of famine starvation饿死 C5 P26 29 判断题 题目:the number of starving people in the world has increased in recent years. 原文:Fewer people are starving.
C8 P45 16 list of headings 题目:Paragraph E ix Enough food at last 原文:Paragraph E The increased productivity from farmland made some countries self-sufficient in grain and livestock and offered effective protection against famine.
140.沉浸、浸入 Immerse(1、immerse sth in the water/liquid 2、专心于、沉浸于) dip试探性的 dip the food into the sauce plunge跳入plunge into the river submerge淹没 the river submerged an entire village. 141. 草地 Lawn草坪 meadow草地、牧场 pasture牧场pastureland 142.适当的、适合的 fit shoes/coats fit me proper proper resources and training suitable appropriate take appropriate action fitting fitting end apt apt comment C8 P52 38 填空 题目:Certain linguistic groups may have difficulty describing smell because they lack the appropriate vocabulary. 原文:Odours,unlike colours, for instance,can not be named in many languages because the specific vocabulary simply doesn’t exist.
143.牢房、监狱 Jail prison cell细胞 144.杀、杀死 Murder he was charged with murder kill kill off杀光 antibiotic can kill bacteria slaughter屠宰动物 massacre大屠杀 assassinate刺杀、暗杀 execute 处决 execution by lethal injection 145.潜在的 Latent latent conflict/censorship/meaning underlying underlying cause potential potential resources/capacity/hazard commercial potential 146.瘦的 Lean lean coal贫煤lean soil瘦地 slender苗条的 slim细长的(a slim person) slight (1、纤细的、瘦小的2、轻微的) thin薄的thin air/layer 147.松弛的 Loose(loose skin松弛的皮肤) if a tooth feels very loose, your dentist may recommend take it out loose button/lips口风不紧 C7 P42 10 配对题 题目:floors fittings loosely over each other 答案C only Japanese pagodas 原文:Japanese pagoda,unlike their counterparts elsewhere, are not actually connected to each other.They are simply stacked(堆)one on top of another like a pile of hats. slack(a slack rope)
C7 P43 13 单选题 题目:The storeys of a Japanese pagoda are C fitted loosely on top of each other 原文:Japanese pagoda,unlike their counterparts elsewhere, are not actually connected to each other.They are simply stacked(堆)one on top of another like a pile of hats.
148.遇见、会见、碰见 Meet encounter偶然遇到 with violence/obstacles/a new species/ confront面对 with severe problems/fundamental moral questions face face the facts 149.熔化、溶解 Melt melt iron/chocolate dissolve溶解 the salt/sugar fuse wire熔丝 C8 P43 6、7图表题 题目 原文 Consequently,when pouring 6、molten glass onto the 7、molten tin, the underside of the glass would also be perfectly flat.
150.整齐的、整洁的 Neat a neat room/person/layout of city tidy a tidy person orderly keep all areas of life neat and orderly 151.邻近、附近 Neighborhood the neighborhood is a working-class community surrounding vicinity near in the vicinity of=near 152.焦躁的、紧张的 Nervous the party is nervous about its prospects of next election神经 nervous system restless impatient uneasy 153.喂养 Nourish nourish activities nourish a baby by milk 雅思can nourish not only the mind but also the soul feed graze喂食牧草 graze cattle 154.服从、听从 Obey obey order/regulation/law comply(with) submit the opposition反对派is refusing to submit and the revolution is spreading 提交submit feedback 155.对手、敌手 Opponent competitor enemy rival foe defeat a sophisticated foe/elusive foe难以捉摸的 156.郊区、近郊 Outskirt metropolitan outskirt suburb suburb district/invisible suburb 157.特有的、显示特征的 Peculiar language is peculiar to mankind characteristic genes determine the characteristics of creatures. define characteristic individual individual personality distinctive有特色的、区别的 distinctive feature specific specific emotion 158.感觉、认知 feeling feeling of guilty罪恶感 feeling of shame羞愧感 sensation olfactory sensation/loss of sensation in the limbs sense sense of smell consciousness意识 perception感知能力、认知能力human perception reinforce the perception perception is a dynamic phenomenon Perceive感觉感知 C7 P20 summary 7 题目:the ability actually comes from perceiving obstacles/echos through the ears. 原文:Blind people, without even being aware of the fact,are actually using echoes of their own footsteps and of other sounds,to sense the presence of obstacles. cognition cognition research认知研究 cognitive认知的,感知的cognitive bias/psychology awareness offensive awareness/awareness of democracy
C8 P49 27 list of headings 题目:Paragraph A viii The relationship between smell and feelings 原文:Paragraph A It became apparent that smell can evoke strong emotional responses. 159.个人的、私人的 Personal private(private affairs) individual 160.同情、怜悯 Pity feel pity for sb同情某人、pity you mercy仁慈、怜悯 mercy killing sympathy capture sympathy compassion arouse sb’s compassion引起同情 161.赞扬、表扬、称赞 Praise buyer praise/recognize effort and praise employees applaud(1、鼓掌2、I applaud your decision同意决定) commend正式的表扬 I commend her for her courage and faith. compliment(pay a compliment to sb赞扬某人、赞扬) 162.偏见、成见 Prejudice pride and prejudice bias bias against对什么有偏见 163.囚犯、俘虏 Prisoner captive战俘 convict(1、罪犯2、证明有罪、宣判有罪) 164.激怒 Provoke(provoke sb to anger) irritate their attitude irritates me/irritate skin刺激皮肤 aggravate what aggravates you most about your country/加重、恶化 165.惩罚、处罚 Punishment penalty处罚、罚金 166.跟随、追踪、追求 Pursue pursue your goal/career chase追逐 a long chase/chase profit/the championship trace跟踪、线索 the exhibition traces the history of america track n.轨道 track deadlines/treatment progress trail trail a suspect嫌疑犯 167.使困惑、迷惑、糊涂 Puzzle a word puzzle字谜 bewilder confuse confuse predator捕食者 perplex(be perplex for an answer) baffle(baffle description 难以形容) baffle them with your bull shit 168.奇怪的、奇异的 Queer queer bird/fish 奇怪的人 同性恋 curious curious about对…好奇 strange eccentric古怪的 eccentric taste 169.虚弱的、乏力的 Weak feeble the government is feeble and corrupt frail fragile 170.随便的、任意的 Casual(偶然a causal meeting/visitor)(casualty伤亡事故) random(at random) 171.造反、叛乱、骚乱 Rebellion revolt (against) riot暴乱 the riot police防爆警察 172.拒绝 Refuse decline(decline an invitation) reject(reject a request拒绝请求、排斥) repel(repel a temptation不受诱惑) deny(1、否定2、deny sb admission拒绝入场) C8 P52 35 单选题 题目:what is the writer doing in paragraph C? 答案为 C rejecting a common belief 原文:In spite of its importance to our emotional and sensory lives,smell is probably the most undervalued sense in many cultures.
173.通常的、惯常的 Usual customary customary route/ownership/procedure conventional(a conventional weapons常规武器) conventional volcanic rock/measure 174.威胁、恐吓 Threaten menace(constitute a menace to world peace) intimidate(intimidate sb into doing sth) intimidate colleague/authority 175.富裕的 Rich wealthy affluent(be affluent in minerals矿产丰富) 176.腐烂、分解 Rot(a civilization that rotted and disappeared) decay decay teeth decompose the debris slowly decompose/decompose cellulose spoil(1、损坏2、食物腐败) 177.转动、旋转 Rotate the earth rotates round the sun/rotate clockwise顺时针转动 revolve roll 转动、翻滚 spin spinning旋转法 the latest discs, used for portable computers, spin 3600 times a minute turn turn a handle
C8 P43 1 table 题目: 答案为spinning 原文:The first successful method for making clear,flat glass involved spinning. 178.粗糙的 Rough粗略的,大致的a rough estimate coarse a beach of coarse sand harsh(1、粗糙的2、严厉的) uneven不平坦的、不均匀 uneven dyeing/surface 179.神圣的 Sacred(the sacred territory) divine(the Divine上帝) divine healing神圣治愈,游戏 holy holy bible圣经、holy roman empire 180.短暂的、瞬息的 Temporary a temporary loss of memory the civil war halt temporarily momentary a momentary loss of concentration transient a transient hope/fault/phenomenon 181.水手、船员 Sailor sailor moon美少女战士 seaman mariner 182.相同的、相等的 Same identical identical standard/element equal equivalent(be equivalent to等于) equivalent process/opportunity C7 P67 1 判断题 答案为false 题目:Ants use the same channels of communication as humans do. 原文:Such chemical communication can be compared to the human use of visual and auditory channels...... 183.使分散、使散开 Scatter scatter flower/scattered radiation disperse (disperse sb’s attention) police dispersed the crowd/the wind dispersed the fog spread spread knowledge/fertilizer 184.送出、发送、传送 Send send message deliver deliver vital information C7 P91 13 summary 题目:In addition, over two thousand years ago kites were used in China as weapons,as well as for sending messages. 原文:as early as 1250 BC,the Chinese were using them to deliver messages and dump flaming debris on their foes. dispatch派遣dispatch a fleet transmit transmit the letter transmit virus/infection传播 185.丢脸、羞愧 Shame football is a national shame for China disgrace(bring disgrace on sb)(disgrace oneself by drinking too much) embarrassment you are embarrassment to the nature dishonor suffer dishonor 186冲击、碰撞 Shock shock absorber impact(1、冲击huge impact 2、影响) collision collision accident clash clash with the police/armed clash crash air/car crash 187.显示、显露、展现 Show exhibit display manifest(manifest a charming personalty) demonstrate 188.皮、皮肤 Skin skin care/tofu skin leather fur hide兽皮 peel果皮 scale鱼鳞 189.特殊的、特别的 Special especial specific particular exceptional exceptional case/ability 190.华丽的、宏伟的、辉煌的 Splendid splendid hotel/adventure gorgeous gorgeous mountain scenery superb a superb building magnificent a magnificent cathedral 191.纵容、溺爱 Indulge indulge a child/games spoil 192.黏着、附着 Stick stick a stamp on the envelope glue胶水粘 glue the broken pieces together adhere the mud adhered to his shoes cling(to) the wet clothes cling to his body 193.压力、重压、紧张 Strain under considerable strain stress pressure tension 194.策略、战术 Tactic classic tactic strategy 195.准确的、正确的 accurate accurate assessment/prediction/imitation exact precise right correct C7 P21 11 summary 题目:Radar is an inaccurate term when referring to bats because radio waves are not used in their navigation system. 原文:It is technically incorrect to talk about bat ‘radar’,since they do not use radio waves.
C8 P92 13 单选题 题目:why do Japanese students tend to achieve relatively high rates of success in maths? 答案为 C Much effort is made and correct answers are emphasised. 原文:and the emphasis is on hard work coupled with a focus on accuracy.
196.帮助 help assist aid aid sb with money/financial aid 197.目标、目的 aim goal purpose target(target detection) object 198. 空气 atmosphere 大气、气氛 air gas 气体 199.奖励 award(award scholarship to disadvantaged students贫困生) reward(as a reward for sb’s service) 200.海湾 bay gulf (比bay大) 201.开始 begin start commence(commence business) 202.冷、凉 cold cool凉爽的 chilly寒冷的 frosty严寒的、霜冻的 freezing极冷的 icy冰冷的icy wind C8 P20 1 段落信息匹配题 题目:D段 a description of an early timekeeping invention affected by cold Temperature 原文:D段 they could not always be depended on in the cloudy and often freezing weather of northern Europe 203.委员会 committee commission授权、代理 204.合作 collaborate cooperate 205.管理、支配 control govern(govern a country管理国家 government) manage(manage a school管理学校、企业 manage to) rule统治、管辖 under the rule of 在…统治下 supervise监督、管理 supervisor 206.争执、不合 controversy争论、争议 argument(争吵、争论 argument with father ) conflict(1、斗争、争论conflict with the authorities 2、冲突、抵触 an inner conflict内心冲突) debate讨论、辩论 dispute(dispute with/against sb争论) 207.弯、弯曲 curve使弯曲 bend (it is hard to bend an iron bar) bow鞠躬 twist (弯曲、扭曲twist one’s ankle扭伤脚踝) 208.危险、威胁 danger risk hazard threat 210.深的 deep profound深刻的 profound implication/shock and anger 211.明确的 explicit definite specific 212.亲密的 familiar熟悉的像自家人 intimate(intimacy) intimate sibling close 关系铁 213.可行的 feasible proposal feasible possible practicable(practical实际的) 214.*终的、*后的 final last ultimate ultimate destination/goal 215.兴旺、成功 flourish繁荣 our business seemed to flourish thrive生意兴隆 market economy thrive succeed prosper to prosper, a nation needs a well-educated workforce it will ultimately prosper again C7 P95 23 完成句子配对题 题目:In-Season Abundance-Based Management has allowed the Alaska salmon fisheries 答案为 B to be successful 原文:It is this management mechanism that has allowed Alaska salmon stocks--and, Accordingly,Alaska salmon fisheries--to prosper... 216.预言、预测、预告 forecast(weather forecast) predict foresee 217.暗示 hint a gentle hint imply what does this imply for the future suggest cue implication clue 218.认出、识别、确认 recognize make out define distinguish...by identifying C7 P46 20 判断 答案 No 题目:The financial costs of environment damage are widely recognised. 原文:That is mainly because the costs of all this damage are what economists refer to as externalities:they are outside the main transaction,which.......To many,the costs may not even appear to be financial at all......but nothing to do with money.And anyway they,as consumers of food,certainly aren’t paying for it,are they?
C7 P48 27 list of headings 题目:Section B ii Identifying the main transport problems 原文:section B Before solutions could be proposed,the problems had to be understand.
C7 P95 24 完成句子配对题 题目:The Marine Stewardship Council(MSC) was established 答案为 A to recognise fisheries that care for environment 原文:The Marine Stewardship Council(MSC) commissioned......certifies fisheries that meet high environmental standards,enabling them to use a label that recognise their environment responsibility.
C8 P22 19 list of headings 题目:Paragraph G 答案为vii Defining airspace categories 原文:G段 controlled airspace is divided into several different types.
C8 P49 32 list of headings 题目:Paragraph F v The interpretation of smells as a factor in defining groups 原文:Paragraph F Importantly,our commonly held feelings about smells can help distinguish us from other cultures.
C8 P52 36 单选题 题目:what does the writer suggest about the study of smell in the atmosphere in paragraph E? 答案为 D Smell is yet to be defined. 原文:...but many fundamental questions have yet to be answered.
C8 P52 37 填空题 题目:Tests have shown that odours can help people recognise the clothing belonging to their husbands and wives. 原文:In one well-known test,women and men were able to distinguish by smell alone clothing worn by their marriage partners from similar clothing worn by other people.
C8 P99 28 判断题 答案为not given 题目:New species of ant are frequently identified by taxonomists. 原文:未提及
219.语言 language tongue(mother tongue母语) dialect 方言 idiom习语、成语 slang俚语 linguisitc语言学的] C8 P52 38 填空 题目:Certain linguistic groups may have difficulty describing smell because they lack the appropriate vocabulary. 原文:Odours,unlike colours, for instance,can not be named in many languages because the specific vocabulary simply doesn’t exist.
220.潜在的 latent latent energy潜能 potential liable倾向于
221.方法、方式 manner(manners礼貌) method way means approach
222.成熟的 mature(mature grain/mature plan) ripe 果实、谷物的成熟
223.记忆、记住、回忆 memorize remember recall recollect remind(提醒remind…of…) 224.商人 merchant businessman trader dealer尤指昂贵商品买卖的人 225.执行、实施、做 perform(perform a task/duty执行任务、履行义务) do fulfill履行诺言 fulfill destiny/original dream/mission carry out(carry out policy) 226.在前的 previous prior prior distribution/prior to migration/survey former 227.收入 income income generation工薪阶层 revenue收入、国家收益 revenue tariff/tax 228.景色、风光 scene view sight旅游风光 scenery landscape自然风光 229.相似、类似 similarity resemblance likeness 230.试验 trial trial and error experiment test 231.经历、经受、遭受 undergo experience sustain(1、sustain a defeat遭受失败2、维持、保持sustainable可持续的) 232.理解 understand comprehend the meaning(comprehensive内容广泛的) appreciate欣赏、理解 grasp(1、抓住2、理解) 233.作者、作家 author writer 234. 能力 capacity能力,容量 competence (竞争)能力 ability 能力 235.长期的、慢性的 chronic长期的,慢性的 long-term 长期的 long-standing C5 P66 list of headings 17 题目:paragraph F viii Looking at the long-term impact 原文:....but principally because they fear the impact this situation could have on the whole Mediterranean coastal ecosystem......that in the long term..... 236.依靠 rely on depend(heavily)on contingent on the deal is contingent on government approval 237.立刻、马上 immediately instantly you perceive this difference instantly Promptly
C5 P47 24配对题 题目:One of the brain's most difficult tasks is to...C respond instantly to whatever is happening. 原文:Making a rapid emotional assessment of the events of the moment is an extremely demanding job for the brain.
C8 P44 11 判断no 题目:Pilkington’s first full-scale plant was an instant commercial success 原文:When it started up again it took another four months to get the process right again.They finally succeeded in 1959.
238.回应、回复 respond react response C8 P52 39 填空题 题目:The sense of smell may involve response to chemicals which do not smell,in addition to obvious odours. 原文:...smell is one sense or two-one responding to odours proper and other registering odourless chemicals in the air.
239、相对的、相应的 relatively comparatively rare/low C5 P69 21 判断 yes 题目:Stanley found that the levels of sediment in the river water in Cairo were relatively high. 原文:Stanley in Marine Geology ‘There is still a lot of sediment coming into the delta. 240、名声、赞誉 fame名气 acclaim称赞、欢呼 241、能力、才能、天才 ability capacity reasoning capacity推理能力 prodigy天才、神通 math/web prodigy capability The company’s manufacturing capability is quite limited. genius talent competence gift he has a gift for comedy aptitude remarkable aptitude 惊人天赋 242、大约、差不多 almost nearly about approximately around roughly 243、动物、生物 animal beast兽 creature the daytime economy is already heavily exploited by other creatures such as birds. mammal哺乳动物 ancestor of mammal brute野兽 cattle大牲畜,尤指牛 244、欣赏 appreciate(undervalued C7 unrecognized and unrewarded C8) enjoy I enjoy watching good films. 245、关于军事 Military C5 P73 27 段落信息包含题 题目:how AI might have a military impact 原文:E HNC claim that their system, based on a cluster of 30 processors,could be used to spot camouflaged vehicles on a battlefield or ......
C7 P20 5 段落信息包含题 题目:early military uses of echolocation 原文:it was only a matter of time before weapons designers adapted it for the detection of submarines.Both sides in the Second World War relied heavily on these devices.... weapon武器(bomb、gun、knife、sword) arms武器=armament arms race军备竞赛 army军队 soldier troops withdraw troops forces peace-keeping forces submarine war battlefield camouflage迷彩服 246、意识到 aware aware of the importance of smell realize realize the essential role the sense of smell conscious sensible C8 P51 34 选择 题目:The experiment described in paragraph B 答案为 A shows how we make use of smell without realising it 原文:as the experiment revealed,even when not consciously considered, smells register. 247、孩子 baby child infant youngster 248、支持、拥护 back uphold the government should uphold the rights of citizens support sustain精神支持 the thought had sustained him throughout the years. advocate he advocates reforming the prison system.
C8 P67 3 单选题 题目:Researchers at the University of Florida and at the University of New Mexico 答案为 A receive funds from the same source. 原文:University of Florida,with support from the Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI),based in California... University of New Mexico.Diels is leading a project, which is backed by EPRI
249、开始 commence commence at midnight start begin initiate he proposes to initiate discussions on procedures C8 P20 6 list of....配对题 题目:They divided the day into two equal halves. 答案为F French 原文:French,hours,which split the day into two 12-hour periods commencing at midnight.
250、结束、完成 complete finish end close terminate终止 terminate the contract accomplish accomplished sailor 251、文章、论文 composition article essay paper thesis dissertation 252、犯法、犯罪 crime sin it is a sin to waste food guilt offence violation a violation of religious rituals and tradition.
253、倒塌 collapse only two Japanese pagodas have collapsed in 1400 years. fall fall down C7 P42 1 判断题 答案为yes 题目:Only two Japanese pagodas have collapsed in 1400 years. 原文:Records show that only two have collapsed during the past 1400 years.
C7 P95 25 完成句子配对题 题目:As a result of the of the salmon runs in 1999, the state decided 答案为K to close down all fisheries 原文:the state reacted quickly,closing down all fisheries
254、一致的,和谐共存的 compatible 兼容的 consistent C8 P99 30 判断题 答案为False 题目:A single collection of ants can generally be used for both taxonomic and ecological purposes. 原文:Unfortunately, these methods are not always compatible.
255、例子、事例 example case sample analysis samples of handwriting specimen dental specimen 256、亲密的、熟悉的 familiar intimate success and determination are intimate siblings. close Confidential a confidential secretary 机要秘书 257、楼层 floor storey a three-storey building 258、山 hill steep hill mount mountain peak volcano the eruption of volcano 259、疾病 illness sickness disease complaint skin complaint 260、新的 new fresh original innovative innovative approach 261、整体的一部分 part piece section division portion fraction一小部分 fragment 262、陌生人、外来人 stranger foreigner alien immigrant 263、年轻人、青少年 youth teenager adolescent 预测、预期 Expected anticipated C5 P20 17 段落信息包含 题目:the expected statistical outcome 原文:The psychiatrists felt that “ most subjects would not go beyond 150 volts’ and they further anticipated that only four per cent would go up to 300 volts. 夸大 Exaggerate overstate C5P27 34 选择 The writer quotes from the Worldwide Fund for Nature to illustrate how....D environmental groups can exaggerate their claims. 原文Understandably, perhaps, they sometimes overstate their arguments.In 1997, for example ,the World Wide Fund for Nature issued a press release entitled:‘Two thirds of the world’s forests lost forever’.The truth turns out to be nearer 20%.
紧迫 urgent pressing C5 P25 40 summary 题目:more urgent health problem of providing the world’s population withp clean drinking water. 文章:most pressing health problem:providing universal access to clean drinking water and sanitation 完全 entirely totally C5 P40 2 summary 题目:Bakelite was unique because it was the first material to be both entirely (synthetic) in origin, and thermosetting. 原文:Bakelite had the distinction of being the first totally synthetic thermosetting plastic.
听力 Auditory listening C5 P65 11判断 ture 题目:most ‘Missouri’ programme three-year-olds scored highly in areas such as listening,speaking,reasoning and interacting with others. 文章:in fact,the average child on the programme was performing at the level of the top 15 to 20 per cent of their peers in such things as auditory comprehension,verbal ability and language ability.
269、C5 P69 18 Pump from抽出 pour into/onto倒... C5 P69 23 判断 yes 题目:Water is pumped from the irrigation canals into the lagoons. 原文:The sediment sinks to the bottom of the canals and then is added to field by farmers or pumped with the water into the four large freshwater lagoon. C8 P43 6、7图表题 题目 原文 Consequently,when pouring 6、molten glass onto the 7、molten tin, the underside of the glass would also be perfectly flat.
阻止、打断 Interrupting hold back C5 P66 list of headings 14 题目:Paragraph B iv Interrupting a natural process 原文:Up to now,people have blamed this loss of delta land on the two large dams at Aswan in the south of Egypt,which hold back virtually all of the sediment that used to flow down the river.
**次、创造 First used coin硬币、创造 C5 P73 31段落信息包含题 题目:where the expression AI was first used 原文:B The field was launched, and the terms ‘artificial intelligence’coined , at a conference in 1956 by a group of researchers.
C7 P21 13填空题 题目:The word ‘echolocation’was first used by someone working as a zoologist. 原文:The American zoologist Donald Griffin, who was largely responsible for the discovery of sonar in bats, coined the term‘echolocation’ to cover both sonar and radar.
272、 当权力讲 Authority right 当权力部门讲Authority official C5 P23 判断 In a sociological explanation, personal values are more powerful than authority. 原文:here we have two radically different explanations for why so many teacher-subjects were willing to forgo their sense of personal responsibility for the sake of an institutional authority figure.
C7 P48 list of headings 题目:Section E x Co-operation of district officials 原文:section E It would have been difficult to respond to the requests of villagers and other rural inhabitants without the support and understanding of district authorities. C7 P95 22 句子完成配对题 题目:Biologists have the authority E to stop people fishing for sport 原文:biologists in a particular area can put a halt to fishing.Even sport fishing can be Brought to a halt.
计算、测量 Calculated measure C7P20 8 summary 题目:However, even before this was understood the principle had been applied in the design of instruments Which calculated the depth of the seabed. 原文:Engineers had already built instruments to exploit the principle,for example to measure the depth of the sea under a ship.
侦测、找到 Find detect detective/detector C7P20 9 summary 题目:This was followed by a wartime application in devices for finding submarines. 原文:After this technique had been invented,it was only a matter of time before weapon designers adapted it for the detection of submarines.
275、健康概念 sanitation n 卫生(设备)(sanit+ation) health C5 P25 40 summary 题目:more I urgent health problem of providing the world’s population with clean drinking water. 文章:most pressing health problem:providing universal access to clean drinking water and sanitation C5 P22 15 list of headings 题目:Paragraph C vii The relevance to health 原文:Paragraph C more than one billion people lack access to clean drinking water,some two and a half billion do not have adequate sanitation services.Preventable water-related diseases kill an estimated 10,000 to 20,000 children every day.
减小、缩小 decrease reduce minimize crash坠落、急速下降 diminish(diminish the cost of production) lessen dwindle缩小、减少 his reputation dwindled greatly. C7P25 25判断 T 题目:Modern technologies have led to a reduction in domestic water consumption. 原文:But since 1980,the amount of water consumed per person has actually decreased,thanks to a range of new technologies that help to conserve water in homes and industry.
C7P94 19 判断 true 题目:Between1940 and 1959,there was a sharp decrease in Alaska’s salmon population. 原文:Between 1940 and 1959,overfishing led to crashes in salmon populations so severe that in 1953 Alaska was declared a federal disaster area.
C8 P25 21 判断题 答案为false 题目:Air Traffic Control started after the Grand Canyon crash in 1956. 原文:Rudimentary air traffic control(ATC)existed well before the Grand Canyon disaster.
C8 P29 37 table 题目:computers were used for key tasks to limit the amount of human involvement in carrying out the tests. 原因:By minimizing human involvement,the idea was to minimize the risk of flawed results
C8 P73 23 判断题 答案为true 题目:The ease with which truly great ideas are accepted and taken for granted fails to lessen their significance. 原文:...the hard-won discoveries of scientists like Kepler or Einstein become the commonplace knowledge of children and the once outrageous shapes and colours of an artist like Paul Klee so soon appear on the fabrics we wear.This does not minimise the supremacy(权威)of their achievement. 温馨提示:在阅读中可将多余的结构剔除,留下主谓宾,比如可将题目简化成 ideas are accepted and fails to lessen their significance.
不重要 Unimportant peripheral C7P28 28 单选题 题目:Lozanov’s theory claims that ,when we try to remember things, A unimportant details are the easiest to recall. 原文:Lozanov’s instructional......,we will find it easier to recall peripheral details-the colour, the binding, the typeface, the table at the library where we sat while studying it-than the content on which we were concentrating.
惯例的、平常的 Usual conventional ordinary C7P29 33 判断 T 题目:In the follow-up class,the teaching activities are similar to those used in conventional classes. 原文:there is a follow-up class at which......such methods are not unusual in language teaching.
C7P29 36 判断 T 题目:Students in a suggestopedia class retain more new vocabulary than those in ordinary classes. 原文:Another difference from conventional teaching is the evidence that students can regularly learn 1000 new words of a foreign language during a suggestopedic session,as well as grammar and idiom.
279、 Accompany C5P45 20判断 答案为 yes 题目:Chimpanzees make particular noises when they are playing. 原文:Chimpanzees have a ‘play-face’---a gaping expression accompanied by a panting‘ah,ah’ noise.
C7 P52 39 配对题(2) 题目:The isolation of Makete for part of year 答案 E was no longer a problem once the roads had been improved 原文:The road improvements and accompanying maintenance system had helped Make the district centre accessible throughout the year.
280、阶段、时期 Stage period phase C7 P46 15 段落信息包含题 题目:the stages in the development of the farming industry 原文:First mechanization,then mass use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides,then monocultures, then battery rearing of livestock,and now genetic engineering--the onward march of intensive farming has seemed unstoppable in the last half-century......
282、恶化, 变质, 退化, deteriorate worsen exacerbate C7 P46 19 判断 答案not given 题目:The taste of food has deteriorated in recent years. 原文:未提及
283、 藻类 Algae, seaweed, water plant, water-weed C7 P46 17 段落信息匹配题 题目:B段 One effect of chemicals on water sources. 原文:B段 Natural soil fertility is dropping in many areas because of continuous industrial fertiliser and pesticide use,while the growth of algae is increasing in lake because of the fertiliser run-off. 方位、定位 position, direction, bearing, C7 P67 4 判断 答案为true 题目:some ants can find their way by making calculations based on distance and position. 原文:they navigate by integrating bearings and distances.....
牙齿 Tooth dental C7 P69 19 list of headings 题目:section F ii dental evidence 原文:section F They involve the study of teeth and of languages......physical characteristics in human teeth......
优先 Priority preferential C7 P77 37 配对题 题目:Resolution 4 B Fragile mountain forests should be given priority in research Programs. 原文:The subject of the fourth resolution discusses by the ministers was mountain forests......include a preferential research program......
288、indicate =deduce=instructed=illustrate 指示、表明、象征、暗示 C5P22 21 选择 The teacher-subjects were instructed to......D give punishment according to a rule. C5P27 34 选择 The writer quotes from the Worldwide Fund for Nature to illustrate how.... C7P70 图表 it was deduced that there had been three major waves of migration across the Bering Strait. C8P48 summary we can deduce that the Little Ice Age was a time of (climatic shift).... C7P72 The discussion of Williams's research indicates the periods at which early people are thought to have migrated along certain routes.
289、refer to=relate to=be associated with=be concerned with=link to=involve(involved) 涉及、与……相关 C5 P19 8 判断题 题目:The growing importance of the middle class led to an increased demand for dictionaries. 原文 :the rise of dictionaries is associated with rise of the English middle class. C8 P67填空 the main difficulty associated with using the laser equipment is related to its size. C5 P26 31判断 题目 :some pollution problems have been correctly link to industrialisation. 原文:and finally,most forms of environmental pollution either appear to have been exaggerated, or are transient- associated with the early phases of industrialisation.
C7 P73 Reading Passage 2 refers to the three-wave theory of early migration to the Americas...... C5 P45 18判断 题目:Graeme Ritchie's work links jokes to artificial intelligence. 原文:Graeme Ritchie, a computational linguist in Edinburgh, studies the linguistic structure of jokes in order to understand not only humour but language understanding and reasoning in machines.
C5 P46 图表题21 题目:Right prefrontal cortex lights up-area of brain linked to problem solving. 原文:the listener's prefrontal cortex lit up,particularly the right prefrontal believed to be critical for problem solving.
C5 P46 图表题23 题目:Orbital prefrontal cortex is activated-involved with evaluating information. 原文:the orbital prefrontal cortex.this patch of brain tucked behind the orbits of the eyes is associated with evaluting information. C5 P50 32 summary 题目:This situation only changed after 1660 when scientists associated with the Royal Society. 原文:Fortunately,several members of the Royal Society possessed an interest in language and become engaged in various linguistic projects.
比…高级 superior to better than C8 P73 22 判断 答案为true 题目:The skills of ordinary individuals are in essence the same as the skills of prodigies. 原文:what we appreciate, enjoy or marvel at in the works of genius or the achievements of prodigies are the manifestations of skills or abilities which are similar to,but so much superior to, our own. 温馨提示:句中“but so much superior to”属于插入语,非强调的重点
C8 P49 list of headings vii smell is our superior sense. C5 P43 判断 题目:Plato believed humour to be a sign of above-average intelligence. 原文:Plato expressed the idea that humour is simply a delighted feeling of superiority over others.
inferior to 比…低级 C7 P25 23 判断 题目:Modern water systems imitate those of ancient Greeks and Romans. 文章:despite our progress, half of the world's population still suffers, with water services inferior to those available to the ancient Greeks and Romans.
考虑 take into account=consider C5 P18 3 多选 G it took into account subtleties of meaning 原文 Unlike his predecessors,Johnson treated English very practically ,as a living language, with many different shades of meaning.
C8 P73 19 判断 Nineteenth-century studies of the nature of genius failed to take into account the uniqueness of the person's upbringing.
292、 demanding费力的 C7p29 32判断 题目:Prior to the suggestopedia class, students are made aware that the language experience will be demanding. 原文:beforehand,the students have been carefully prepared for the language learning experience.Through meeting with the staff and satisfied students they develop the expectation that learning will be easy and pleasant and that they will successfully learn several hundred words of the foreign language during the class.
C9P52 38 配对 题目:Thinking like a successful iconoclast is demanding because it A requires both perceptual and social intelligence skills. 原文:Finally,to be successful iconoclasts,individuals must sell their ideas to other people.This is where social intelligence comes in.
C4 P94 18 判断 题目:Archaeology is a more demanding field of study than anthropology. 原文:未提及
C5 P47 24配对题 题目:One of the brain's most difficult tasks is to...C respond instantly to whatever is happening. 原文:Making a rapid emotional assessment of the events of the moment is an extremely demanding job for the brain.
干扰、打断 Interfere disturb C7 P98 29 单选题 题目:Researchers discovered that high noise levels are not likely to interfere with the 答案为 A successful performance of a single task. 原文:But there are limits to adaptation and loud noise becomes more troublesome if the person is required to concentrate on more than one task.
疲劳 Fatigue tired C7 P99 34 summary 题目:The results suggests that B unexpected noise produces fatigue but that this manifests itself later. 原文:Apparently,unpredictable noise produces more fatigue than predictable noise...
源头、起源 Origin come from C8 P20 3 段落信息匹配题 题目:a description of the origins of the pendulum clock 答案为:F段 原文:F段 By the 16th century,a pendulum clock had been devised...
一半 Half 50% halves C8 P20 6 list of....配对题 题目:They divided the day into two equal halves. 答案为F French 原文:French,hours,which split the day into two 12-hour periods commencing at midnight.
297、促使 urge prompt spur on C8 P22 14 list of headings 题目:Paragraph A 答案为 ii Aviation disaster prompts action 原文:A段 An accident that occurred in the skies over the Grand Canyon in 1956 resulted in the establishment of the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA) ......
气象 Meteorology weather C8 P22 18 list of headings 题目:Paragraph F 答案:viii setting rules to weather conditions 原文:F段 The FAA then recognised two types of operating environments.In good meteorological conditions.....
种类、分类 Categories types items C8 P22 19 list of headings 题目:Paragraph G 答案为vii Defining airspace categories 原文:G段 controlled airspace is divided into several different types.
城市 City metropolitan特大城市
C8 P25 26 判断题 答案为true 题目:A pilot entering Class C airspace is flying over an average-sized city. 原文:These other types of airspace,Classes D,C and B,govern the vicinity of airports. These correspond roughly to small municipal,medium-sized metropolitan and major metropolitan airports respectively
挑选 Pick out choose from C8 P29 32 table 题目:...who picked out one 32.picture /image from a random selection of four... 原文:...a picture chosen from a random selection of four taken from a large image Bank...
财产 Property(1、财产2、特性、属性) belongings assets
C8 P44 9 判断题 答案为true 题目:The metal used in the float process had to have specific properties. 原文:The metal had to melt at a temperature less than the hardening point of glass(about 600℃),but could not boil at a temperature below the temperature of the molten glass(about 1500℃).
C8 P67 2 单选题 题目:According to the text,every year lighting 答案为 A does considerable damage to buildings during thunderstorms. 原文:And there is damage to property too.
303、工厂 factory plant C8 P44 10 判断 答案为NG 题目:Pilkington invested some of his own money in his float plant. 原文:未提及
侦查、检测 Detect find disclose C7 P20 9 summary 题目:This was followed by a wartime application in devices for finding submarines. 原文:it was only a matter of time before weapons designers adapted it for the detection of submarines.
C8 P44 13 判断题 答案为true 题目:Computers are better than humans at detecting faults in glass. 原文:To ensure the highest quality,inspection takes place at every stage......locating flaws the unaided eye would be unable to see.
关联、相关 relevance conjunction C5 P22 15 list of headings 题目:Paragraph C vii The relevance to health 原文:Paragraph C more than one billion people lack access to clean drinking water,some two and a half billion do not have adequate sanitation services.Preventable water-related diseases kill an estimated 10,000 to 20,000 children every day.
C8 P45 14 list of headings 题目:Paragraph B vii The relevance of the Little Ice Age today 原文:Paragraph B The climatic events of Little Ice Age did more than help shape the modern World.
一千年 Thousand ten centuries C8 P45 15 list of headings 题目:Paragraph D vii A study covering a thousand years 原文:Paragraph D This book is a narrative history of climatic shifts during the past ten centuries...
影响 Impact influence C8 P45 17 list of headings 题目:Paragraph F iv Human impact on the climate 原文:Paragraph F The unprecedented land clearance released vast quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,triggering for the first time humanly caused global warming.
C8 P89 2 list of headings 题目:Section C i The influence of Monbusho 308、欣赏 Appreciate admire C8 P49 29 list of headings 题目:Paragraph C vi why our sense of smell is not appreciated 原文:Paragraph C In spite of its importance to our emotional and sensory lives,smell is probably the most undervalued sense in many cultures.
C8 P72 多选题 题目:H People never appreciate true genius. 原文:that genius goes unrecognized and unrewarded.
把...当做... Regard as consider to be C8 P52 40 填空题 题目:Odours regarded as unpleasant in certain cultures are not regarded as unpleasant in others. 原文:Odours are invested with cultural values:smell that are considered to be offensive in some cultures may be perfectly acceptable in others.
资助 Fund financial support C8 P67 4 填空题 题目:EPRI receives financial support from power companies. 原文:EPRI,which is funded by power companies.
获得 Get obtain receive gain acquire C8 P69 12 判断题 答案为yes 题目:Obtaining money to improve the lasers will depend on tests in real storms. 原文:He reckons that the forthcoming field tests will be the turning point-and he is hoping for good news.Bernstein predicts‘an avalanche of interest and support’ if all goes well.
消耗、耗尽 Deplete exhaust C8 P72 多选题 题目:B The talents of geniuses are soon exhausted. 原文:that prodigies burn too brightly too soon and burn out.
继承、遗传 Inherit hand down carry on run in families世代相传 C8 P72 多选题 题目:F Genius is inherited 原文:genius run in families.
困难、逆境 Difficulties adversity C8 P72 多选题 题目:J Gifted people develop their greatness through difficulties. 原文:that adversity makes men wise.
责任 Duty responsibility liability C8 P72 多选题 题目:C Gifted people should use their gifts. 原文:that people with gifts have a responsibility to use them .
客观 Objective impersonality 主观 subjective C8 P73 20 判断题 答案为true 题目:Nineteenth-century studies of genius lacked both objectivity and a proper scientific approach. 原文:It was only with the growth of paediatrics and psychology in the twentieth century that studies could be carried out on a more objective,if still not always very scientific,basis. 温馨提示:众所周知,任何事物都是向前发展的,20世纪都做不到科学,19世纪当然也无法科学和客观。这种对原文做出的合理推纳是可以的。
形式、模式 Format pattern C8 P88 3 list of headings 题目:Section D v The typical format of a maths lesson 原文:section D Lessons all follow the same pattern.
学生 Student pupil C8 P91 9 判断题 答案为No 题目:Teachers mark homework in Japanese schools. 原文:Pupils mark their own homework.
导致、引发 Cause lead to contribute to trigger bring about C8 P48 24 ABC型配对题 题目:The cutting down of trees began to affect the climate. 答案为 C Modern Warm Period 原文:Modern Warm Period......millions of hectares of forest and woodland fell before the newcomers’ axes......triggering for the first time humanly caused global warming.....
C8 P95 14 单选题 题目:The use of pesticides has contributed to 答案为 B an imbalance in many ecologies around the world. 原文: pesticides have contributed to the emergence of a new breed of chemical-resistant,highly lethal superbugs. 温馨提示:contribute to在雅思阅读中翻译成导致即可,不带有任何感情色彩,否则可能会选带有积极意义的选项
320、固有的、天生的 Inherent natural innate built-in C8 P96 19 判断题 答案为yes 题目:A number of pests are now born with an innate immunity to some pesticides. 原文:...many pests are known to withstand synthetic chemicals and bear offspring with a built-in resistance to pesticides.
难以捉摸的 Elusive hard to find
C8 P99 33 ABC型配对题 题目:It is a good method for species which are hard to find. 答案为 B using baits 原文:Baits can be used to attract and concentrate foragers.This often increase the number of individuals collected and attracts species that are otherwise elusive. 上一篇雅思写作35个经典句型